South Birmingham Team
0121 622 7890

Central Birmingham Team
0121 356 4242

North Birmingham Team
0121 347 7000

Rent Repayments

Your rent is normally paid on a per calendar month basis and you are contractually obliged to ensure it is received by us on the date it is due. The date it will be due is the same date your tenancy started and will continue thereafter. You must set up a Standing Order with your bank which then pays your rent. It is important that you check your account has cleared funds before your bank attempts to pay, as you may be liable to a charge if you miss a payment.

Extending your Tenancy

Most tenants will look to stay for a longer period after their initial term of contract draws to an end. we will be happy to discuss your intentions with the landlord about an extension and will look to secure a new fixed-term tenancy at the earliest opportunity. If your circumstances change, you must keep us informed as this can affect our ability to act promptly for you.

Ending Your Tenancy

Should you wish to leave at the end of the tenancy, you must serve written notice to either your landlord/agent in person or by email. This notice period is normally one month before your tenancy ends. On the last day of your stay, we or the landlord will arrange to meet with you to collect the keys and carry out an inspection of the property. It is important that you hand the property back as you found it and your inventory will remind you of the condition when you moved in.

Return of Deposit

Either we or the Landlord will hold your deposit in line with deposit protection laws. If a deduction is necessary as a result of damage you have caused during your stay, this will be highlighted to you at the move-out inspection as we are obliged to inform you before deducting from your deposit. Deposit protection laws are designed to prevent the landlord from charging you unnecessary or extortionate amounts.

Utilities & Bills

You are responsible for utilities that are supplied to the property along with council tax, internet and telephone to name but a few. When you hand the property back, we will collectively record your final readings, which must be given to the providers along with your forwarding address. You are legally obliged to settle your account in full, failure to do so may result in your credit rating being affected as well as incurring extra costs.

General Advice

Treating the property with respect and paying your rent on time is always sound advice, The property should be heated and aired to help maintain a healthy environment for you to live in. You should always ensure the property is secure when you are not home and have contents insurance in place to cover you should the need arise. Be sure to seek the Landlord’s permission before you attempt to make changes such as decorating, changing furniture or floor coverings. We are always on hand to answer questions or to provide general advice.
